My media product is a time lapse video of the set of Sitting Pretty at Ilkley Playhouse, being created from an empty stage to that of a full set and then some stills of the set in its stage lighting then the morning of the taking down of the set or ‘strike’ as it is usually, or one of the main terms, referred to. My media product is to show the amount of work that goes into the creation of a theatre set as this is usually, looking at most critiques of a show, very rarely referenced or noted. This I think for the set designer and the team building it a real shame, but no I’m not bitter believe it or not. One element that I haven’t shown in the video is that of the setting up of the stage lighting also called the ‘tech’ or technical rehearsal, this was sadly missed due to timing issues, however with this addition this would have made the video almost unwatchable due to the running length.
A sample section of footage from the building of the set.
A photograph of the finished entrance hall/living room of the set in full set lighiting.
The second peice of course work is a critical and analytical refelction of our media product, however my essay will not be directly relating to the media product rather I will be discussing set design and how, like a painting or photograph it is there to enhance the situation sometimes with just subtle details, sometimes this can be a mention of something, a light dancing around the set signifying a bird. The imagination, when in the right frame can be drawn in by itself, convince itself and believe in a temporary fictitious space as being reality and seeing the image as it is intended to be, obviously you can’t really have a live bird in the auditorium as it’ll fly off, seek sanctuary in the rafters and crap on everyone.
Image Music Text the title of one of Roland Barthes books, these three are the most influential of the senses when at the theatre and all three together or the very lack of them can be incredibly powerful when the mind is in a receptive state, almost knowing that it is being deceived and yet in turn willing to be deceived and also importantly deceiving itself.
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